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Ecology of Alaskan Supraglacial Moss Balls

Glacier moss balls are unique features of glaciers and are biological mesocosms growing on an unstable environment.  We are working to tell their microbial and insect stories.


Temperate Monsoonal Glacial Meltwater Streams of Tibetan Plateau

Temperate monsoonal glacial meltwater streams are unstable and torrential during the ablation season with lower water temperatures than winter time.  Contrary to high and low latitude glaciers, monsoon meltwater supports a greater diversity of invertebrates even in the metakryal zone where year round temperatures are <2oC.


Thixotropic Mud 

Not all glacier work is clean and icy.  Glaciers are like bulldozers that pulvarize bedrock into fine silt  that becomes like marshmallows when mixed with glacial meltwater...but don't stay in one place for too long.  You may bounce for a moment, but you will become cemented in.  We are working to unravel the ecosystem functions of thixotropic mud in the glacier forefront.


Hotsprings of Tibetan Tectonic Fault System

Ganze Tibetan Autonomous region has many active fault lines as evidenced by the recent 2022 Moxi Earthquake which impacted our ability to safely access the Hailuogou Glacier research site, so we developed a project on the west side of the mountain range.  Hotsprings are found near Kangding along the Xianshuihe fault system.  Along an active strike-slip fault zone is where our ecological investigation is occuring on the west side of Mt. Gongga to understand how microbial and invertebrate communities are reflected at the emergence point of hotsprings and downstream.


Microbial Ecology of Supraglacial Meltwater Habitats

Meltwater habitats on the surface of glaciers are bioreactors - more complex than they appear.  We are examining clean surface and debris-covered glaciers in Alaska and monsoonal Tibetan Plateau.


Trentepohlia, Moss, Lichens, and Microbes

We are investigating the microbial community structure and relationships between climate, Trentepohlia, moss, and lichen blooms of Mt. Gongga, Ganze Tibetan Autonomous Region, China.


Adaptations of Aquatic Insects in Glacierized Catchments 

Low salinity, oligotrophy, low water temperatures, and hydraulic stress are factors that insects have adapted to in mountain glacier catchments.  The Taeniopterygidae stonefly in image has been exposed to a silver nitrate treatment which precipitated in its chloride cells. Image obtained with variable-pressure scanning electron microscopy (H Fair 2015, Hong Kong University Microscopy Lab)


Future Student Project - Diazotrophic bacteria in agriculture

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in agriculture have long been used in rice paddies in Asia as a natural fertilizer.  Is it a possibility to harness cyanobacteria to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers by studying their interactions in the North American agricultural environment?

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