Fair, H., O. A. Medina-Báez, B. Spiecker, Q. Gan, Y. Y. Cheung, E. D’Bastiani, G.R. Goldsmith. Can AI interpretation increase inclusivity? Frontiers in Ecology and The Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2821.
Goliber, S., J. Coenen, H. Fair, A.R. Szesciorka et al. Postdoc perspectives on leadership and matters of equity and inclusion in polar science. Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists 5, 1-9. doi:10.1029/2024CN000252.
Fair, H., T. Hamilton, R. Smiley, Q. Liu. (2024). Determinants of microbial community structure in supraglacial pool sediments of monsoonal Tibetan Plateau. Microbiology Spectrum. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00754-24
Yang, Hu, H. Fair, Q. Liu, Z.W. Wang, B.L. Duan, X.Y. Lu. (2023) Diversity and co-occurrence networks of bacterial and fungal communities on two typical debris-covered glaciers, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Microbiological Research 273, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2023.127409.
Lu, X.X., T. Zhang, B.L. Hsia, D.F. Li, H. Fair, S. Chua, L. Li, S.J. Li. (2022). Proglacial river sediment fluxes in the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau: Ming Yong Glacier in the Upper Mekong River. Hydrological Processes, 36:11, e14751. DOI:10.1002/hyp.14751.
Fair, H., P.C. Smiley Jr., R. Lanno. (2022). Tolerance of glacial-melt stoneflies (Plecoptera) and morphological responses of chloride cells to stream salinity. Chemosphere 293. 1-10. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133655.
Fair, H., P.C. Smiley, R. Lanno. (2021). Determinants of invertebrate community structure in glacial-melt streams of southeast Tibet. Freshwater Biology 66, 1282–1295. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13716
Fair, H., P.C. Smiley Jr., and L. Qiao. (2020) Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of supraglacial pools on a debris-covered glacier in Mt. Gongga, Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 52, 635-649. DOI: 0.1080/15230430.2020.1839165.
In Prep/Review:​​
Fair, H., T. Hamilton, R. Klips, P.C. Smiley, Jr. (in prep). Microbiome of Alaskan Glacier Moss Balls and associated invertebrate communities.
Fair, H., T. Hamilton, E. Hood, J. Fellman. (in prep). Impacts of regional climate on the microbial ecology of cryoconite holes in Alaska.
Hu, Y., A. Franzetti, Q. Liu, F. Pittino, H. Fair, Z. Wang, Y. Luo, B. Duan, X. Lu. (in prep). Shift in microbial taxonomic diversity and nitrogen metabolism potential with glacier retreat and plant colonization of the debris-covered Hailuogou glacier. (in Prep)
Fair, H., P.C. Smiley Jr., and R. Lanno. Hydraulic characteristics determine the distribution of organic matter, substrate, and invertebrates in a glacial-melt stream. Hydrobiologia. (revision)​